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Weather & Altitude

  • Spring, fall, but not summer?

    Our trips coincide with the two best seasons for travel: spring and fall. Both are spectacular with perfect temps, moderate precipitation, and great mountain views. Summer belongs to monsoon rains so we do not offer trips between June and September.

    Join Far Xplorer for a motorcycle, overland, or trekking tour of the Himalayas of Nepal. Start in Kathmandu on the expedition of a lifetime to visit the cultures and natural beauty of Nepal. This is adventure motorcycling and adventure travel at its
  • Altitude

    The majority of our trips take place at moderate elevations between 4,000 and 8,000 feet with occasional hours above 10,000 feet. Only our Everest and Upper Mustang trips venture above 12,000 feet, but on every outing we ascend slowly with ample time to acclimatize.

    Join Far Xplorer for a motorcycle, overland, or trekking tour of the Himalayas of Nepal. Start in Kathmandu on the expedition of a lifetime to visit the cultures and natural beauty of Nepal. This is adventure motorcycling and adventure travel at its
  • Temperatures High & Low

    Nepal is warmer than many people realize. Spring and fall temps in the lowlands and foothills often reach 80F or higher. Only when we get above 8,000 feet do nighttime temps drop to as low as 40F. It’s good to expect both extremes on most of our adventures.

    Join Far Xplorer for a motorcycle, overland, or trekking tour of the Himalayas of Nepal. Start in Kathmandu on the expedition of a lifetime to visit the cultures and natural beauty of Nepal. This is adventure motorcycling and adventure travel at its

Average Temps in Nepal


  • March-April: Low 48F / High 77F

  • October: Low 49F / High 79F

  • November: Low 46F / High 73F


  • March-April: Low 53F / High 82F

  • October: Low 51F / High 81F

  • November: Low 49F / High 69F

Spring Overview: Travelers should expect foothill temperatures to exceed 75F in early spring, and 80F by late April. Thundershowers are not uncommon, but welcomed as they cool midday temps and keep dust to a minimum. In the Himalayas nightime temps are perfect with not much need for warm layers.

  • Max low: 40F (Himalayas)

  • Max High 85F (Lowlands near India)

Mustang Valley (Himalayas)

  • March-April: Low 47F / High 69F

  • October: Low 37F / High 62F

  • November: Low 34F / High 51F

Fall Overview: Fall days are beautiful with clear skies and minimal chance of rain, but evening temps in the high peaks will always approach freezing. In the foothills and lowlands, highs rarely exceed 75F which is ideal for adventure travel. Fall has the widest range of temperatures from low to high depending on the route.

  • Max low: 32F (Himalayas)

  • Max High 80F (Lowlands near India)

Our service standards are as high as the Himalayas.

  • Your guided experience starts the minute you are greeted at the airport by your Far Xplore team leader. We accompany you from beginning to end.

  • No one likes financial surprises and our fares include 95% or more of your ground expenses once in Nepal.

  • Our support staff has more than 50 years of combined expedition experience in the Himalayas and around the globe. We have the highest service and safety standards.

Included in Our Packages

  • Accommodations

    All hotel and luxury camp stays within the official trip dates are included in the fare. Any additional nights outside those dates need to be booked directly by each traveler.

  • Meals

    All meals once underway are included in the package. While in Kathmandu and Pokhara most meals are optional and left to the discretion of the traveler. That said, most dinners are under $10 USD.

  • Domestic Air & Ground Transfers

    All ground transportation to/from the airports in Kathmandu and Pokhara is included as are domestic flights within the official trip dates.

  • Expedition Leader & Guides

    Every outing includes an expedition leader and assistant guide. Our staff is with the travel team the entire time you are in Nepal.

  • Motorcycles

    Our packages include motorcycles and cover damages up to $250. We offer both Royal Enfield Himalayans and Royal Enfield Classic 350 models.

  • Fuel

    Just finding fuel in the Himalayas on our remote routes is a little challenging so we include fuel in all of our expedition packages.

  • Support Trucks

    Our support system includes a minimum of two trucks, sometimes three for more remote locations. One truck is dedicated to the ride team and never more than 30 minutes behind the group.

  • Expedition Support Staff

    On most outings your support team includes an expedition leader, supporting guide, a mechanic, three cooks, three drivers, trip coordinator, and a cultural guide for Kathmandu.

Not Included

  • International Flights

    Due to the variability in international flight prices, we do not include airfare to ensure you get the best value at the time of purchase.

  • Travel Insurance

    Travel insurance is required by the Nepal government to obtain permits to access many areas. Since travel insurance varies by country and state, it is best to secure travel insurance on your own.

  • Optional Meals

    We left the itinerary open to allow travelers to embark on their own culinary adventures with meals in Kathmandu and Pokhara left to your discretion. Most dinners are well under $10 USD.

  • Gratuities

    Gratuities for guides and staff are common in Nepal and our team works tirelessly to earn any tips you feel compelled to give. A standard amount across the Nepali expedition industry is about $20/day or $250 USD for a 12-day trip.

  • Motorcycle Riding Ability

    All riders must be 18 years of age and hold a valid motorcycle license. We require a minimum of one year of riding experience, ideally on mixed terrain. We have itineraries for all skill levels from novice to expert, but all require confidence on rough surfaces.

  • Fitness

    Our trips are active adventures and we suggest our travelers prepare accordingly. You don’t have to be Olympic fit, just ready for full days of fun. Our Everest trek and Upper Mustang trips require solid fitness levels to enjoy the higher elevations.

  • Vaccines & Visas

    Entry requirements to Nepal have been greatly eased for travelers with no need for proof of covid-19 vaccinations. For additional vaccine recommendations, please consult your physician. Visas are available on arrival in Nepal for $50.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Wifi & Cell Service

    Nepal has amazing cellular coverage, even in the Himalayas. Travelers can purchase a local SIM card for $20 on arrival. Most small hotels and even tea houses have wifi, although it can be a little slow. We provide a satellite phone with unlimited minutes if you need to call home.

  • Phone Charging

    Travelers can charge phones in our camp via solar panel or in our support trucks, but we suggest bringing high-volume battery packs to ensure you are always topped off. Charging priorities go to our satellite phone and safety devices.

  • CPAP Machines & Camping

    Many of our travelers bring CPAP machines and we prioritise the charging of those battery systems over all other devices. Please ensure you bring sufficient battery backup to last 2-3 days between recharges.

  • Motorcycle Helmets and Gear

    To ensure good fit, comfort, and safety, we do not provide helmets or motorcycle gear. Please visit our Nepal Planner resource to read about our suggestions for what to pack for a ride in the Himalayas.


Our streamlined payment portal allows us to accept a variety of payment options and even includes the ability for our guests to make incremental payments leading up to the due date. Pay as much as you like, at any time, for your maximum convenience. Unlike other companies, we only require a small deposit to secure your spot with final payment not due until 90 days out from departure.

Motorcycle Stuff

  • We keep our ride time to just 4-6 hours per day since every mile is action packed. Our objective is to finish each day at 4pm to enjoy the local sites and comforts of camp.

  • There are no road signs in Nepal and most of the roads we traverse are not marked or mapped. For this reason we stay together as a group, but with ample opportunity for people to stop and ride at their own pace.

  • All riders should be comfortable in mixed terrain and have at least one year of offroad riding experience. Good fitness and confidence in rough terrain will make the trip more enjoyable. We have had many new riders do great with the right skills and fitness. Don’t forget, this is the Himalayas!

  • To ensure maximum fun, we have a minimum of two support trucks to carry your gear with one of them always close behind the group. A small backpack for essentials is the most common kit used by our team.

  • Yes! Let us worry about keeping the go-juice in your motorcycle.

  • Short answer - maybe. Many sections of road are simply not ideal for a passenger. We can often use a support truck to ferry a passenger through those few sections. Two-up teams must be very confident off road.

  • Any minor damages that fall under $200 we attribute to normal wear and tear. For damages exceeding that, we request payment from the rider within 30 days. We will provide receipts of the parts and repairs to confirm the amount.

Can we extend our trip and can you help plan extra days of travel?

Yes! We can assist with ideas for how to best spend your extra time in Nepal. Please note, the hotel reservations included within the trip package are fixed and cannot be transferred to other dates. We will assist with hotel recommendations to fit your extra days.

Any domestic flight reservations included in your trip package - can be - shifted to fit your extended dates.

What about emergencies?

Each expedition includes the following emergency response resources:

  • One staff medic with advanced expedition-level first responder certifications from our partners at Survival Med.

  • Advanced expedition-grade medical supplies provided by our partners at MyMedic.

  • Emergency communication tools including an Inmarsat satellite phone, Iridium satellite two-way messaging system, two-way radios, and mobile service on both cellular networks in Nepal.

  • Direct satellite communications to our preferred hospitals, and helicopter rescue resources provided by our partners at Heli Rescue Nepal.

  • We maintain a staff member on 24-hour standby in Nepal to assist with any emergency response needs.

  • Is Nepal a safe place to travel?

    Absolutely. On the well respected Travel Safe Global Index, Nepal is one of the safest places in the world. The Nepalese are the nicest and most hospitable people you will ever meet. It is a very safe place to travel

  • Can kids join a Far Xplorer trip?

    Our expeditions are open to travelers of all ages, but we ask parents to keep in mind that adventure travel in a developing nation is not always easy. Every team member must also be capable of group decisions.

  • Can you accommodate special diets?

    Nepalis are largely vegetarians so it’s quite easy to accommodate vegetarian and vegan requirements. We can also plan menus for any other dietary requests you may have, all within the scope of local flavors

Do you offer shorter trips, fewer than ten days?

For most travelers from North America, Nepal is a far-flung destination with long transit times. As such, we have found anything shorter than an 8-day trip is really pushing it. We think 9-12 days is the sweet spot to accommodate the most complete experience.

More Questions? Find Answers on our Nepal Trip Planning Blog