Leave it better than you found it.

We have always believed travel has the power to change the world. Since our inception, our travelers have provided safe drinking water systems to thousands of rural Nepalis at risk of waterborne disease. As we move into 2024, we have a renewed vision for helping the people of Nepal with projects that push far beyond drinking water.

Investing in Nepal’s Youth

For 2024 we are tackling a new project, to provide basic educational resources for the young students of Nepal. Purchase anything from our new online merchandise store and we will invest 10% of the proceeds on educational scholarships for select students.

Visit our online shop. A little bit goes a long way!

Advanced Medical Team 5 Foundation

We are extremely excited to announce our latest collaboration with the medical experts at Team 5 Foundation. On March 10, 2022 their team of international doctors provided advanced medical services to remote communities in the Palpa district of Nepal. Our crew provided expedition support to get them where they were needed most. During their week-long campaign they treated more than 350 patients, many of whom presented life-threatening conditions. As expedition experts, we will continue to find new wasy to connect remote communities with humanitarian resources.

Safe Water Schools

Every year more than 15,000 Nepali kids under the age of seven die of water-related illnesses and complications. In an effort to combat that dismal statistic we have delivered long-term water purification systems to more than 20,000 people in rural Nepal. For 2022 that work continues with a new initiative to bring advanced filtration systems into 500 rural homes.



When covid forced Nepal into a crushing lockdown, millions of people in rural areas struggled to stay fed. With roads closed and remittance income from overseas stopped, starvation became a pressing threat. By leveraging our network of donors and our team of local Nepali volunteers, we were able to deliver several tons of rice to communities in need.

While safe water will always be our primary focus, the needs of rural Nepalis continues to shift. As we move into our new era of do-good travels as Far Xplorer, we hope to expand our efforts to make a lasting impact on the people of Nepal.